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17 Mar 2020
Views 9

For Flawless Clean pet shampoo, taking care to avoid the eyes, inner ears and other sensitive areas. Rinse thoroughly.  For Flawless Clean pet mist, taking care to avoid the eyes, inner ears and other sensitive areas. Do not allow animal to lick the spray. If undue skin irritation develops or increases, discontinue use and consult a veterinarian.

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17 Mar 2020
Views 3

Amber colored bottles provide excellent UV protection for the contents. This is important because UV rays can sometimes change the components of the contents . Our translucent amber colored bottle allows you to see how uniquely stable the formulations are that we have created for you while preventing unnecessary degradation.

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17 Mar 2020
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Flawless Clean pet shampoo is so easily rinsed and the unique ingredients are absorbed well into the skin and hair coat preventing ingestion. But you should rinse your cat's body thoroughly use warm, not hot water.

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17 Mar 2020
Views 5

Your pets can get water in their ears just like humans. But depending on the situation, water in your pets ear can become a health problem. It sets the stage for uncomfortable fungal and bacterial infections. So if ear infections have been recurrent for your pet or they develop after bathing, please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

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17 Mar 2020
Views 4

How often you should wash your pet depends on a number of factors including his health, breed, coat, and activity level. And bathing too often can be detrimental to your pet as well. But you can bathe your pet with our exceptional lathering cleaners daily. If your pet comes into the room and you can smell him, he needs a bath.

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17 Mar 2020
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Flawless Clean pet shampoo is exceptional lathering cleansers have been dermatologically formulated to carefully remove only the dead keratinocytes (skin cells). The healthy cells remain to absorb the water and unique ingredients. We have formulated our cleansers to allow your pets to be bathed daily, if desired.

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17 Mar 2020
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Flawless Clean pet shampoo is 3in1 premium cleanser with exceptional lathering , easy cleansing with simple rinse. And Flawless Clean pet mist is 2in1 moisturizing and boost skin barrier mist made with the highest  quality ingredients. After creating many formulations , we developed Flawless Clean products.  You don’t have to settle for one function. Flawless Clean is effective multi-functional.

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17 Mar 2020
Views 4

All products  are suitable for all ages of pets. Flawless Clean pet shampoo safely removes the exfoliated skin cells from a puppy or kittens developing skin and pet mist moistures dry, itchy and sensitive skin for all ages of pets.

#554 GemhangPenterium IX Tower, 46 Galmaesunhwan-ro 166beon-gil, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Kandy Corporation (206-86-68316)   |  CEO : Injun Koh

TEL : 82-2-543-1225    |    wjkim@thelaundress.co.kr

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